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Dear Fan Members / Guests 

The snow has cleared and the rains have arrived. An extreme amount of rain fell over the past two weeks, but even still the Maintenance team have been pushing through in preparation for the golf course opening. 

The winter projects on the golf course are coming to a close, currently finishing the new addition of steps to the first Tees at Hole 1, which are looking fantastic. The team have also fit in an extra drainage repair at the toilet on Hole 10, whilst also including an full clean, and renovation of the road leading up to.

Our larger projects of renovating tees are progressing well, and on schedule. The Hybridgress system this season will be exciting, with the growing season approaching these tees will grow in well and be opened as soon as the tee is deemed ready for play.  

Our mechanic is working extremely hard to prepare all machines ready for the start of the cutting season which begins in two weeks. Our three new robot mowers will also be installed in two weeks, and then very soon after we will press GO. 

A lot of time and effort has gone into repairing and adjusting the driving range targets, and nets. Significant time will be given to maintaining the driving range, and practice greens at world class standards this season. 

Spring is around the corner, with noticeable bird song in the mornings.

We are all looking forward to the opening of the golf course and welcoming back our members. Not long now. 




Dear Fana Members / Guests

The recent snow fall and low temperatures have left us, and we can now see the green golf course once again. The surfaces as of today are looking strong, and with the higher temperatures forecast this week we may see the soil temperatures rise to 4/5 degrees. Soil temperature of 10 degrees is optimum growth, however at 5/6 degrees the grass will start to become active. 

The winter program is quickly coming to a close. Drainage installation at Holes 4, 6, 9, and 16 are complete. The woodland program is now complete, this year the remove of much 'scrub' at Hole 4, and 13, and tree removal on holes 2 & 18, will both increase light and air flow, and vastly improve the visual appeal of these areas. Many other small improvement tasks have been complete, in particular the cleaning of all the ditches and streams, with new waterfalls created throughout, and newly renovated steps at holes 17 and now 1 Tee. 

The full renovation of Tees at holes 3, 7, 8, and 15 is well underway, and progressing extremely well even throughout the cold snap we have just experienced. 

The Maintenance team are working hard to prepare the golf course for opening in hopefully not too many weeks. 

Wishing you all a happy end to the winter.